The View from Close to Heaven


We chose Peru for our pre-Christmas adventure this year, and it didn’t disappoint. One travels to that lovely country for many good reasons, but Machu Picchu has to be at the top of the attractions list, so I’ll begin there.

We did our best to prepare for the elevation and expected climbs, and ended our visit feeling a sense of accomplishment (while admitting we should have done it at least 10 years earlier.) The details of Machu Picchu’s history, its centuries in hiding, its re-discovery and astonishing architectural and astrological achievements are too much to recount here. Suffice it to say, no matter the photos you’ve already seen, it still offers surprises in person. Sometimes it’s hard to even process what you’re seeing!

I wasn’t prepared for how extensive the site is, nor how tall and broad the ruins themselves are. One can meander among them for hours. Weather can change by the minute, and alter the mood on the mountain as it does. There are steps rather than stairs; few railings, high rises, narrow footholds, jarring drops, climbs requiring rest along the way. There are few guard rails; one can walk to edges and peer over in astonishment. Llamas graze on the terraces. Was it a “spiritual” experience for me to be there as I’d heard from others? No, but it was a wonder.

Visitors are limited by time and number these days, and it’s a good thing. We were there at the beginning of the rainy season, which can mean mud slides or clouds which can limit views. As you can see, we were fortunate, except when we learned on departure that a bus strike had begun since we entered the site, and shuttle busses were no longer running to return us to town at the base of the mountain. Yes, we walked down. No, I don’t want to do that again.








8 thoughts on “The View from Close to Heaven

    1. It was strenuous, but mostly because of the surprise addition of downhill miles back to town. Glad we did it, but….! Thanks for following!

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